We are ready to make your project look amazing.
We are ready to make your project look amazing.
Portland Stone Australia
For enquiries, please contact either by phone, email, or contact form.
Portland Stone Bricks. Our natural stone bricks have a carbon footprint almost 80% lower than clay fired bricks. Make your carbon saving. Switch to Portland natural stone. #groupwork #dezeen #albionstone #portlandstone #bricksfromastone #stonebricks #architect

The natural choice for low carbon facades. It`s official. Portland Stone has the lowest embodied carbon of all Britain`s masonry facades products. Portland Stone can reduce the embodied carbon for your external cladding by 79% when compared to brickwork and 81% when compared to concrete cladding. #facade #architect #buildingdesign #albionstone

Portland Stone. Jordans Whitbed. COMMERCIAL Development. WOOD WHARF 1000 bespoke curved radial pieces were fabricated. Each piece curved both externally and internally to tight tolerances that align exactly with the soffits which hang in excess of 1 metre from the structure. PIcking up 2 Awards at the 2021 International Property Awards in "Best Apartment and Residential" as well as an "Outstanding Quality" Awards by the NHBC. Modern architectural design and heritage Portland Stone. #albionstone #architecture #architect #design #herzogdemeuron

Residential Project using Jordans Basebed and our spectacular Stonehills Whitbed. Predominately paving. Splendid stone entrance steps. Nic Howard won designer of the year by the association of professional landscapers for the design of this amazing property. #albionstone #portlandstone #thestonecollective #naturalstonebricks

Stonehills Whitbed, a new addition to the Portland stone range, was the stone of choice for this Marylebone project in the heart of London. It was chosen for it`s clean finish and to fit in with surrounding buildings.
Stonehills Whitbed is available to order Australia wide.

Portland Stone varies from the pure and creamy white basebed to Shelly fossil textured whitbed. From our mines in Portland Bill, England. #tradional #heritage #designheritage #architectualheritage

A selection of Portland Stone architectural sculptures. Award winning Highgate junior school. English heritage Portland stone now available in Australia. #traditionalheritage #architypearchitectsdesigners #architecture

"The Londoner" designed by Woods Bagot. Portland Stone specified for its heritage, durability and dashing good looks. A Portland Stone "Melburnian" landmark? #architect #woodsbagotarchitects #desginers

Portland Stone modillions or better known as ornate brackets. Heritage Portland Stone. #heritagestone #bespokedesign #architects

When technology and traditional craftmanship combine..the result? Portland stone bespoke staircase, treads integrated with stone water jet (grub) disc inserts. #exclusive #london #naturalstonedesign #thestone #portlandstone

“Basebed Baby!” Portland stone Jordans Basebed, Chanel flagship store. Want style, heritage, regal? Choose Portland for your facade project. Available Australia wide. #naturalstone #facadedesign #architecturedesign #construtcion